How to Remove "Read More" From Pages/Static Pages of Blogger/Blogspot Blogs

In some templates there is a feature at the end of every post/page namely "Read More".It's a hack for automatic 'Read More' i.e. it will show 'Read More' automatically whenever you  post and publish something. Take a look at the below image:

It is a very useful feature as by clicking it we can read the full post i.e.user will see only the first few lines of the post before clicking it.But if you want to create Pages with HTML then it will create problem and will not display the page correctly and when you click on Read More,it will not show the full page and will only show the text or HTML.For example if you want to create a contact form then it will not show the contact form(it will show only codes and texts that you have pasted or created).
To remove Automatic static "Read More" from pages only(and not from posts),follow the instructions:
1.Log-in to your blogger A/c.Before making any changes to your beautiful template, backup your template.
 2.Go to Dashboard>Design>Edit HTML
3.Check the box "Expand widget templates"
4.Now,find the following code(use Ctrl+F):
<div class='post-body entry-content'>
5.Paste the following code after the above code line:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;static_page&quot;'><br/>
6.Now search the following code line:
<div style='clear: both;'/> <!-- clear for photos floats -->
7.Then add this code above that code line:
8.Save the template. Done!!

Now,you will see there is no Read More at the end of the page!!

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