Test How Long Does Your Blog's Or Site's Page(s) Take To Load

If you are an owner of a blog/site then you may want to know the time it takes to download the webpages for a reader/user of your blog/site.If your blog's/site's loading speed is slow then users will leave your blog/site though they are interested in your blog's/site's content. 

Pingdom Tools-Full Page Test(FPT) is a tool for you if you want to test the load time of your webpages.It will download the requested webpage and show how much each item(images, CSS, Script files, Flash, RSS and frames/iframes) takes to load.If the webpage takes too much time to load then you should do something to make it load faster like:
-decreasing the size of images by compressing or using format like JPG or PNG instead of BMP,GIF etc.
-Reducing the number of images in your posts and pages
-Increasing the bandwidth in case there are many visitors to the page resulting in too much load.

Statistics of the homepage of this site is shown in the below image.See the three colors i.e.yellow,green and blue in the first column.Yellow color shows the time taken in seconds from starting loading the page to connecting.Green segment shows the time taken in seconds from connecting to downloading the first byte of  the page.Blue portion shows the time taken in seconds in downloading the  first byte to the last byte of the page. In the second column,the downloaded objects  have been shown.Third column shows the size of the corresponding objects .You can sort the result according to file type,load time,URL and file size(see the circled area).
The above image shows the statistics about total time taken in loading the page,No. of objects,Individual objects with their size etc.You can see the previous test result in the "Test Archive" section.


  1. It's a very useful tool but screenshots are very small.

  2. Click on the images to view clearly.

  3. @Irfaan,you should use this tool for your blog!!
